Kijiji Scam

The scammer puts an add on Kijiji, but when you contact them, they want you to come to their house or they want to come to yours. If the item you are purchasing is large, like a china cabinet, make sure you take people with you. Do not allow people to come to your house to view items if they are transportable. Meet them in a public space and take people with you. Only accept cash. If you take a large amoutnt of cash to purchase a large item, meet in a safe space like that provided by the Edmonton Police Service or take several people with you so that you are not robbed or injured by a criminal. The scammer wants to get you alone with money on you and no back up.
Click the play button below to watch a video example:
Click here to play the YouTube Video for this Senior Fraud Alert Scam Lesson
The first step is to identify the fraud. In the video above, were you able to hear the clues in the story and detect the Kijiji Scam? The next step is to prevent the scammer from victimizing you or others. If you encounter a similar situation, use these tools to protect yourself from this type of fraud.

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