Getting Started

Before being able to spot and stop a scam, it might be useful to learn what a scam is and what we’re refering to when we use this term. Here are definitions for some of the common terms we use throughout this course:
It’s important to know that fraud is a crime and scammers are criminals. Each lesson in this course focuses on a different type of scam that has been known to target seniors. As you progress through the course, think of it like a game of cops and robbers. You are the detective and to spot the scams you have to look for clues. Once you spot the clues, it’s up to you to stop the scam!
senior fraud alert detective with magnifying glass

Ready to Start?

To progress through the course click the blue “Next Lesson” button at the bottom right corner of each page. You can also use the sidebar on the left side of the page to jump between lessons and track your progress. Whenever you want to return to the main page, just click the yellow “Exit Course” button on the left hand sidebar.

Easy, right? If you’re ready to learn about the first scam, click “Next Lesson” now!

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