Subscription Scam

Subscription scams get you to sign up for a product or service and you can’t get out of the billing. They can also steal your identity. Ignore any message about auto-renewals claiming to be from a company where you don’t have a subscription, those are another way of scamming you. Ignore links in emails from companies you don’t have a subscription with.

The scammer wants you to think that subscribing to a “free trial” is free and will not cost you anything, but that is not true. Once they have your credit card information they will continue to charge you for the product, even when you try to cancel future shipments.

Click the play button below to watch a video example:
Click here to play the YouTube Video for this Senior Fraud Alert Scam Lesson
The first step is to identify the fraud. In the video above, were you able to hear the clues in the story and detect the Subscription Scam? The next step is to prevent the scammer from victimizing you or others. If you encounter a similar situation, use these tools to protect yourself from this type of fraud.
Subscription Scam Clues
  • Does this sound too good to be true?
  • Don’t do it without investigating.
  • If you want to order a product or publication online, go to the company who manufactures it.
Subscription Scam Defence
  • Don’t sign up if you can’t find or understand the Terms and Conditions.
  • Watch for pre-checked boxes, which automatically sign you up for monthly orders.
  • Closely read cancellation clauses, return policies, and any vague charges.
Now it’s your turn!


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